About - Epiphany | DBL Connections
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Private·1 Epiphany Seekers


Welcome to Epiphany, the ultimate community for personal growth and transformation. This exclusive group is dedicated to our valued members who are committed to achieving their highest potential through life coaching, self-discovery, and mutual support. Here, you'll find a supportive environment where you can share your journey, seek advice, and connect with like-minded individuals.

Group Rules

Epiphany Group Rules

Welcome to the Epiphany community! To ensure a positive and supportive environment for all members, please adhere to the following group rules:

Respect and Kindness

Be Respectful: Treat all members with kindness and respect. Discriminatory, derogatory, or offensive comments will not be tolerated. Constructive Feedback: When giving feedback, ensure it is construct


Privacy Matters: Respect the privacy of fellow members. Do not share any personal information or details disclosed within the group outside of it. Secure Space: What happens in Epiphany stays in

No Self-Promotion

No Advertising: This group is not for self-promotion or advertising. Do not post links to your own products, services, or external websites unless explicitly allowed by the group moderators.

Stay On Topic

Relevant Discussions: Keep discussions relevant to personal development, life coaching, and related topics. Off-topic posts may be removed to maintain the group’s focus. Quality Contributions

Positive Engagement

Supportive Interaction: Engage positively with other members. Celebrate successes, provide encouragement, and offer helpful advice. No Trolling or Harassment: Harassment, trolling


Respectful Disagreements: It’s okay to disagree, but do so respectfully. Engage in healthy discussions without resorting to personal attacks.

Use of Content

Personal Use Only: Content shared within the group is for personal use and growth. Do not reproduce, distribute, or share group content without explicit permission.

T & C

By joining and participating in the Epiphany group, you agree to abide by these rules. Members who violate these rules may be warned, have their posts removed, or be removed from the group.


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    Only pricing plan holders can view this group.

  • Visible

    Shown to site visitors.

  • May 26, 2024


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